Today's Talk: What does happiness look like to you?
Today’s talk – what does happiness look like to you? I really want to be a better journaler so to hold me accountable I’m going to share my own journal prompts on Instagram using #TodaysTalk. I’ll share my response and thoughts both there and here, and I encourage you to do the same! Share your response on Instagram stories using #TodaysTalk and tag me. Let’s hold each other accountable to dig deep, journal and become the best versions of ourselves.
March 6, 2023
What does happiness look like to you?
Happiness is easy. Happiness is not worrying. It’s being stress-free. It’s having fun. It’s doing all the things I love and being with the people I love most. It’s being 100% myself.
Happiness is the perfect balance of work, play and relaxation. It is feeling good. It’s knowing everything will work out. It’s trusting and believing in something bigger than myself.
Happiness is a good meal and a whiskey at the end of the day and the opportunity to do it all again when I wake up tomorrow.
It was a cloudy day on the farm today and the entire family is OVER cold weather. That seasonal depression is in full force. This journal prompt came at the most perfect time. I got the twins off to school and spent the morning catching up on emails, preparing for an upcoming speaking engagement and trying to make the house less sticky. I snuck in a workout and then rushed into town to pick up the twins. I forgot to bring them a snack for the 3-minute car ride home, so I was immediately on their shit list. I tried to talk them into heading straight to the farm to check calves, but they had remembered I had promised them a game of UNO when we got back from school. We have been playing A LOT of UNO lately, but I’m not mad about it. It’s better than playing Barbies of some make-believe shit.
Tom came home for lunch. We played more UNO and then bribed the twins into putting on their winter gear to head to the farm. Tom had some paperwork to catch up on while I took off some calf jackets and the twins drove, but mostly pushed, their tractors through the mud. Tom’s dad called while scraping the dry cow lot and said a cow was aborting. The four of us hopped in the truck and trailer to pick up the cow, but it wasn’t long before the twins started complaining about being “starving.” Luckily I found two peppermints in the truck console to buy us some time. The twins helped me sort the cow and load her onto the trailer. I am always impressed with their cattle moving skills and lack of fear. They put their arms out l like a gate just like I taught them and my dad taught me and they got the 1700 pound cow into the trailer.
They soon started complaining of hunger again (why didn’t I pack snacks??) so I brought them home where they proceeded to eat a sleeve of Ritz crackers with peanut butter, chocolate milk and applesauce. I guess they were hungry.
It wasn’t long before Tom was home and mixing me a stiff whiskey and Diet Pepsi. Why do drinks always taste better when someone makes them for you? Then it was baths, supper and bedtime shenanigans.
Tomorrow, we do it again.