Today's Talk: How have you changed the last 5 years?
Today’s talk – how have you changed in the last 5 years? I really want to be a better journaler so to hold me accountable I’m going to share my own journal prompts on Instagram using #TodaysTalk. I’ll share my response and thoughts both there and here, and I encourage you to do the same! Share your response on Instagram stories using #TodaysTalk and tag me. Let’s hold each other accountable to dig deep, journal and become the best versions of ourselves.
March 9, 2023
How have you changed in the last 5 years?
Ufda, talk about a loaded question. In the past 5 years, I became a mom and have gotten comfortable being in my 30’s and with myself. I give a lot fewer fucks and am happy with who I am. I feel like I am authentically and unapologetically myself these days. And that feels good. In the past 5 years I have worked a lot on self development. Or maybe just finally grown up? Ha! I started taking care of my skin, started regularly exercising and thinking about the food I fuel myself with. I have started journaling and reflecting on shit (hence – Today’s Talk). I’ve started to realize what matters and what doesn’t. I know what serves me and feel confident to say no to the things I don’t. I try not to overthink things (but it’s still a struggle). I’m also aware of how I react and how I speak, influences my kids. If I want them to be cool, calm and confident, then I have to display that behavior too. I have found things that make me happy and am just feeling good about who I am, where I am and what I bring to the world.
The past 5 years have brought a lot of growth and I’m feeling good about it. Now if time could just slow down because holy shit my kids are five.
As I write this morning, I’m feeling excited. I have a big to-do list, but I feel like I’m going to knock it out of the park. Why does completing a to-do list make me feel so satisfied? Checking shit off a list just feels good. I’m a weirdo. Okay anyway,, we are expecting another big snowstorm today, so I want to get weaned calves out of the hutches, vaccinate some calves, get calves bedded (probably delegate that to Marco), paste some calves and just prepare for what’s to come.
Yesterday I told the twins another snowstorm was coming and Lane says, “ugh! when is it going to be friction’ summer?!” I guess we say that word now. Oh and then at drop-off Sage couldn’t get her seatbelt unbuckled and shouts, “the seatbelt is really pissing me off.” I told them both not to say those words at school but the stories they may be sharing at school scares the hell out of me.. Maybe I need to work a little harder on that cool, calm thing.