Howdy, I'm Annaliese

I'm A Dairy Farmer Twin Mom Wife  Wisconsin Girl

Howdy, I'm Annaliese

Annaliese Wegner - Modern Day Farm Chick - Midwest Girl sweatshirt in old barn door

Welcome to my
Modern Day Farm Life

I’m a real-life farmHER sharing my modern-day farm life on social media. I enjoy sharing our farm life and showcasing the beauty that comes along with it. I also encourage fellow farmers to share their stories – the more people we have advocating for agriculture, the stronger our community will be. 

Whether you’re a consumer looking to learn more about farming, or a fellow farmer wanting to share your story, I’m happy you’re here.

Here to connect with farmers and Consumers

Here to Connect consumers to farmers Help Farmers Share their Story Share my modern-day farm life

What are ya looking for?

Join the shenanigans 

Sign up for my newsletter to stay up to date on all things modern-day farm life, ag-vocacy, skin care and more.

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I'd Love to Chat

I’ve built a community of mostly rural women who truly appreciate the rural lifestyle. The majority of my audience are fellow farmers, ranchers and agricultural enthusiasts. They live and love the rural lifestyle – just like me.

Content Creation
Affiliate Marketing
Workshop Faciliation