Why Successful Farmers Use Propane

Successful dairy farms use propane to heat our milking parlors, our hot water heaters to sanitize equipment, mix-up milk replacers, — the list goes on and on.
GRWM: It’s Herd Health Day

GRWM: It’s Herd Health Day! I share my go-to smoothie recipe and we sort some cows for the vet to check.
Happy Monday!
Farm Fun: Taking Our Heifers to the Heifer Grower

Farm fun: taking our heifers to the heifer grower.
What’s the number one rule of farming? | Tuesday with Tom

What’s the number one rule of farming? Let’s get into it on today’s Tuesday with Tom.
Tuesday with Tom – Breaking Out the Dad Jokes

Welcome to another Tuesday with Tom – I bust out my best dad jokes to heckle him during herd health and my 5 year old drives the skidsteer!
Tuesday with Tom – Let’s Talk Artificial Insemination

It’s Tuesday with Tom 🙌🏼.
Join me as I bother my husband and talk artificial insemination.
It Snowed Again – The Never Ending Winter Continues

Well, it snowed again. The never ending winter continues on our Wisconsin family farm. Can we get an amen for all the milk truck drivers who pick up and deliver milk no matter what!
Busy week on the farm!

It’s a busy week on the farm! In today’s farming vlog, I try to get Tom to shake his booty, there’s lots of shop shenanigans, we talk about her health day and I share a recipe.
Bedding Our Cows With Sand!

Bedding our cows with sand! One of the most important ways to keep them comfortable, healthy and happy.
Snowstorm Prep! Thursday on the Farm

Snowstorm prep! Thursday on the farm as we prepare for ANOTHER snow storm.