Bedding Our Cows
with Sand!

Bedding our cows with sand – one of the number one ways to keep our cows comfortable, happy and healthy. Every cow on the farm has their own sand bedded stall. Did you know the stalls are actually designed so that when a cow goes to the bathroom it goes in the barn alley and not in their stall? It helps us with clean up. We rake the sand daily and add new sand weekly. Every once in a while we completely dig out the backs of the stalls so we can make sure they’re clean. This gets rid of bacteria and makes sure they don’t get mastitis. 

With all this sand I guess you can say life’s a beach for the gals at our farm!

In other news – the farm is a complete and udder (get it??) muddy mess. We want the sunshine to dry this place out! 

Everyone always asks about the twins tractors and you can find them here. But I want you to know we souped these bad boys up with a battery adaptor and you can get that here. The battery adapter makes them go a lot faster than they should!