WE ARE NOT WELL! More snow on the farm!

We are NOT well! We got more snow on the farm. UGH. We are making the most of it though, the sun is peeking out and things are looking up! 

Today Tom, Lane and Sage are taking care of some cows who recently gave birth. We want to make sure they’re all doing well and healthy after they gave birth. Tom doesn’t want to share much (typical) but it’s an important part of our jobs! The twins also share some of their favorite cows and let us know which ones are good to pet and which may not like it as much!

A majority of my role on the farm is working with calves. Today I had to paste some calves, which means applying some paste to stop their horn buds from growing. We don’t want our animals on our farm to have horns because they have the potential of hurting us as farmers and each other. 

To paste the calves I trim the hair around where I can feel their horn buds (you can feel where the horns are going to be under their skin) and then apply a dime size layer of paste. This stops the horns from growing! 

Thanks for joining us in our Modern Day Farm Life!